Join CIVyL
Let's promote together the excellence and growth of the
Mexican wine and the spirits industry
Dedicated to the production, marketing, export and import of spirits. We share a strong commitment to Mexico and the communities in which we operate. Our industry reflects the cultural pride and joy of our people, ranging from small artisans to large producers and exporters.
✦ In The Mexican Council of Wine and Spirits (CIVyL)
We are the heart that unites the leading companies in the production, marketing, export and import of spirits. Our mission goes beyond business success; it is a promise of commitment to Mexico and the communities that welcome us.
We represent the pride and passion of our culture, embracing from the smallest artisans to the largest producers and exporters.
Learn about the advantages of joining CIVyL
Direct connection with regulatory authorities
Direct connection with regulatory authorities
We actively participate in regulatory processes at the federal and local levels, ensuring a strong voice in industry legislation.
Leadership in standardization
Leadership in standardization
We exercise leadership in the creation of regulations that impact the industry, seeking consensus and agreements beneficial to our associates
Defense of the sector's interests
Defense of the sector's interests
To defend the freedom to produce and market spirits in a responsible manner by guaranteeing adequate legislative and fiscal conditions for the production, marketing, distribution and sale of spirits in Mexico.
Responsible advertising
Responsible advertising
Encourage the industry to implement high standards for responsible marketing and sales communications.
Fighting the illegal market
Combating the illegal market
We study and promote strategies to combat the illegal market for alcoholic beverages, working closely with the authorities.
Information monitoring
Information monitoring
We monitor, collect, analyze and disseminate information related to our industry from local and international authorities.